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Law firms

Digital  transformation

We assist law firms in measuring and quantifying the impact of the digital opportunities on their functioning and business model, by identifying those actions that will lead most to the future development.

Our services primarily relate to

  • The impact on lawyers and law firms of new technologies and tools (smartphones, tablets, social networks, …)

The impact on the profiles and new competencies that are required

Impact on the IT

Impact on the organisation of the marketing

Impact on the offices and the organisation of the work

Impact on working methods (co-operation)

Impact on the management of teams (virtual communities, project management, …)

  • The development of an online offering (either directly or indirectly through partnerships or financial participations,..)

Interests (net income, new sources of income, diversification,…)

Modalities and consequences


Opportunity analysis on digital approach for advice and litigation services of a law firm

Workshops on the impact of digital opportunities

Seminar on the market trends and potential impact of digital transformation for the legal industry