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Retour Dirk Maertens

Patrick Brousse


Prior to joining Bignon De Keyser, Patrick was a partner at Andersen and then at EY where he managed outsourcing activities for support functions (finance, accounting, tax, payroll, etc.) for international groups.

Whilst at EY and Andersen, he has always been heavily involved in training and development activities for employees in France and internationally, aiming to support them in their career development, change of roles and responsibilities, from project manager to partner, working especially on behavioral skills (Soft Skills).

In this capacity, he has designed, led and deployed numerous training sessions and workshops on the issues of team creation, animation and development, managerial postures, customer relations, coaching, leadership…, with their components: meaning, trust, listening, commitment, questioning, feedback, authenticity, inspiration, delegation, diversity, motivation…, issues that he also deals with as a lecturer at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris with students in master 2 and programs for executives